JumpShip 3.0 has been released.
Release Notes:
The main goal of this version of JumpShip has been to lower the barrier to entry both in the learning curve, and in the time it takes to get an application up and running.
Former versions of the JumpShip Framework required you to extend base classes to get even the simplest application working. In JumpShip 3.0, the base classes are still there but they are fully implemented. JumpShip 3.0 lets you extend the framework one piece at a time, leaving the rest to perform in a minimal way. In this way you can get an application up and running almost instantly. Using an agile programming style, you can add and change functionality as you need it.
In order to lower the learning curve, JumpShip 3.0 has come more in line with the way other popular MVC frameworks work. Although JumpShip still takes the unique point of view that it is easier to work with a framework that sets reasonable conventions rather than try to be everything to all people, JumpShip 3.0 brings these conventions more in line with other frameworks like Cairngorm, PureMVC and ARP. The goal was to make the concepts familiar to those who have used other frameworks while still providing all of the great tools that JumpShip is known for.
JumpShip 3.0 has also made significant improvements to the Ruby on Rails Gateway. The new JSRailsGateway takes advantage of the RESTful scaffolding that is standard in the latest version of Rails. The Gateway talks directly to you Rails models, eliminating the need for a Gateway on the Rails side to capture, translate, and send data from Flash to Rails.
So to put it simply, JumpShip 3.0 can preform standard Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations on a standard Ruby on Rails back end with no extra sever-side code. The JumpShip Rails Gateway works with the JumpShip Data Model (JSDataModel) so everything sent and received through the Gateway is understood by the rest of your JumpShip application.
Take a look in the examples folder in the rails package and see how to put together a simple database driven address book in minutes.
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This looks very interesting. I would like to give it a try and an wondering if you can point me in the right direction for working with it in Flex. I see the views can extend a base class, but since Flex requires UIComponent, do we instead have to go the route of implementing IView the interface for each view?
Also I would be interested in the possibility of extending to add similar functionality like you have for rails, but instead use it for Django.
I've got a lot of questions on this topic. I'm writing a post on the subject but the simple answer is that JSViewBase extends Sprite out of convenience but you do not have to add it to the display list in order to use it. It is a mediating class and you can use it to manage your components through references only.
As you mentioned, can also certainly implement IView.
I have no immediate plans to building a Django gateway similar to the Rails gateway ( I just don't have enough experience with it ). But if it's something you are interested in , I'd encourage you to investigate the possibility yourself and let us know what you find out.
I would think that if your Django app supports RESTful services like Rails, you might be able to use it with JumpShip without too much modification.
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